Oncological orthopedics

In Maimonides Multidisciplinary Medical Center, which functioning on the basis and model of Israeli clinics known throughout the world, there is a special department of Pediatric Orthopedic Oncology. In this department a team of specialists is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of malignant and benign diseases of bones and soft tissues, restoration of normal anatomy and functioning limbs in children.

Carefully selected medical staff, trained by their Israeli colleagues, save lives of many young patients suffering from congenital or acquired orthopedic diseases every day. The team of professionals consists of orthopedic doctors, oncologists, neurosurgeons, radiologists, neurologists, rehabilitation specialists, psychologists and qualified nurses.

It is no secret that medicine in Israel is constantly developing. In the leading medical centers, hundreds of clinical trials are conducted every day, in which the effectiveness of innovative and experimental methods of examination and treatment are tested. All patients of our medical institution can participate in these studies absolutely free of charge. As a rule, patients who have not been helped by standard treatment methods are selected for experimental therapy schemes. This gives them another chance for a long and healthy future.

Our medical center works on a charitable basis under the patronage of the “Keren Or for our Child” FoundationThanks to various companies and simply caring people, Ukrainian children can receive treatment at the level of the best Israeli clinics absolutely free of charge or with partial co-payments (according to quotas).

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Diagnosis features of children's Orthopedic Oncology diseases at the Maimonides Medical Center

Patients with bone and soft tissue tumors need high-quality and accurate diagnosis, because the required treatment amount and the success of therapeutic programs will depend on it.

Orthopedic Oncology Department is equipped with an excellent material and technical base. Medical testing of small patients is provided using innovative equipment. In particular, not only the most modern CT and MRIdevices are widely used, but also such equipment for clear medical imaging as PET-CT.

All diagnostic tests and procedures are provided in subsidiary institutions of Maimonides Clinic under considerate supervision of Israeli specialists, where the samples of each patient and, if necessary, the child himself and his parents are sent.

In our clinic almost every case of correct diagnosis establishing is accompanied by the necessity for a biopsy in order to accurately determine the type of tumor and choose the best treatment scheme, taking into account the individual characteristics of both the neoplasm and the patient. Samples of histological material are sent to the best pathohistological laboratories in Israel, Germany, and the USA for review and verification of the diagnosis by leading specialists in this field. Thanks to such "molecular checks", we are absolutely sure of the diagnosis adequacy and the effectiveness of subsequent treatment sheme.

All invasive procedures, such as biopsy, are provided only under sedation (medicated sleep), in a sensitive and friendly atmosphere, so that children do not feel pain, fear or other psychological discomfort.

What treatment methods of orthopedic oncology diseases do we use?

More than 92% of patients in Orthopedic Oncology Department fully recover after a successfully completed course of treatment , maintain the affected limb mobility, get rid of pain and other unpleasant sensations forever. The combination of high level our orthopedic doctor’s training and the advanced methods application of orthopedic and oncological surgery leads us to such incredible results.

The direction of joints endoprosthesis has become particularly highly developed. Only endoprostheses and their parts are used, which are manufactured by proven and high-quality well-known global companies. Their materials are absolutely biocompatible, do not cause rejection, allergic or other complications. If necessary, endoprosthesis of almost all joints is executed: knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, wrist, elbow.

Also, after radical interventios with the removal of bone and soft tissue tumors in children, reconstructive and plastic surgeriesare provided. It allow to restore the tissue defect that was formed after the initial stage of surgical treatment. Examples of such surgeries are prosthetics of ribs and sternum, individual vertebrae, pelvic bones, etc. Bone grafts are made in accordance with the individual needs of each small patient using the most modern technologies – lprinting on medical 3D printers. If necessary, any patient of Maimonides Clinic can access the entire arsenal of modern technologies in affiliated medical centers and Israeli partner clinics.

In the complex treatment of orthopedic oncology diseases, we use only the most modern surgical methods:

  • vertebroplasty under the control of computer navigation;
  • osteoplasty under the control of computer navigation;
  • cryoresection of bone tumors;
  • microsurgical reconstruction of blood vessels, bones and soft tissues;
  • radiofrequency thermal ablation of bones and soft tissues tumor lesions;
  • excochleation of bone tissue cystic neoplasms;
  • and other high-tech, minimally invasive effective methods.

In case the disease affects only ligaments or cartilage, we provide reconstructive and plastic surgeries, cartilage tissue transplantation to restore the continuity and normal function of the affected structures. As a rule, such interventions are provided by arthroscopy. It means that we use a special endoscopic equipment without large incisions, which minimizes possible complications (infection, bleeding) and accelerates the rehabilitation process after surgical interventions.

If necessary, our doctors perform amputations under the guidance of their Israeli colleagues. Such a radical step may be necessary for malignant neoplasms of limbs bones and soft tissues. After such a disabling procedure, the patient can receive all the necessary rehabilitation measures complex together with the production of a modern individual high-tech prosthesis of the lost limb. A team of specialists will select the necessary orthopedic shoes, make an individual plan for physiotherapy, manual therapy, massage, occupational therapy, teach you how to move correctly, and perform the necessary physical exercises. This is very imported because after returning home, the patient continues to exercise on his own to quickly restore lost body functions.

The main task of our orthopedists and oncologists is to effectively treat a small patient, avoid limb amputations and postoperative complications. For this, Maimonides Medical Center applies a multidisciplinary and fully individualized approach to each child, all decisions are made only after young patient’s parents or custodian consent and in their interests. It is important to remember that all clinical cases are supervised by Israeli doctors who are specialists in their field.

Doctors of the Oncology Orthopedics department

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Children's department