Surgery in one day

Донедавна у більшості людей слово «операція» асоціювалося з великими втручаннями, тривалим лікарняним, складним періодом відновлення, обмеженням працездатності та іншими незручностями. Напружений ритм життя сучасної людини залишає обмаль вільного часу,  не лише на відпочинок, а й на тривале лікування.

На щастя, високий рівень розвитку медицини може задовольнити будь-які побажання пацієнтів і це  стосується навіть найскладнішої галузі — хірургії

Surgery in one day
Взрослое отделение (категории)

One day surgery at Maimonides Medical Center

Surgery in one day

Modern medical center

Maimonides has at its disposal a modern operating unit, high-quality minimally invasive surgical equipment and an anesthesiology team with appropriate equipment.

This makes it possible to satisfy patient’s needs (quick surgery without a long break from personal life and work) and to perform the necessary extent of diagnostic or therapeutic surgery

The range of operative interventions within the "One day surgery" service

  • Biopsy under CT control
  • Trephine biopsy of any location under ultrasound control
  • Trephine biopsy of bones and bone marrow under general anesthesia
  • Trephine biopsy of bones and bone marrow under local anesthesia
  • Sternal bone marrow puncture
  • Sternal bone marrow puncture under general anesthesia
  • Bone marrow puncture from three locations under general anesthesia
  • Bone marrow puncture from three locations under local anesthesia
  • Aspiration puncture of any localization
  • Diagnostic lumbar puncture under general anesthesia + administration of drugs intrathecally under general anesthesia
  • Anesthesiological monitoring after the intervention for 1 hour. + use of oxygen
  • Radiofrequency ablation under CT navigation
  • Installation of the port system (without the cost of the port)
  • Port service
  • Port service using a chlorhexidine patch
  • Port system removing
  • Installation of tunneled central venous catheters (without cost of catheters)
  • Installation of central venous catheters with peripheral access
  • Installation of a subclavian catheter (without the cost of the catheter)
  • Installation of venous implanted systems (ports)
  • Installation of a single-use infusion pump with adjustable speed
  • Nephrostomy under ultrasound control
  • Drainage of liquid malformations of the most common localizations
  • Drainage of a chest/abdominal abscess under ultrasound guidance
  • Drainage of pleural cavity of PleurX type
  • Laparocentesis
  • Thoracocentesis
  • Atheroma (lipoma) removal up to 3 cm in size under local anesthesia
  • Atheroma (lipoma) removal up to 3 cm in size under general anesthesia
  • Atheroma (lipoma) removal larger than 3-5 cm under local anesthesia
  • Atheroma (lipoma) removal larger than 3-5 cm under general anesthesia
  • Atheroma (lipoma) removal larger than 5 cm under local anesthesia
  • Atheroma (lipoma) removal larger than 5 cm under general anesthesia
  • Removal of benign tumors of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, soft tissues with histological examination (CSD)
  • Opening and drainage of a purulent lesion of skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue up to 5 cm in size under general anesthesia
  • Opening and drainage of purulent lesions of skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue up to 5 cm in size under local anesthesia
  • Removal of a foreign body under local anesthesia
  • Removal of a foreign body under general anesthesia
  • Removal of benign malformations of skin, subcutaneous tissue, soft tissues (without histological examination)
  • Hematoma opening under local anesthesia
  • Hematoma opening under general anesthesia
  • Melanoma removal with histological examination
  • Hidradenitis (opening under local anesthesia)
  • Hidradenitis (opening under general anesthesia)
  • Abscess opening under local anesthesia
  • Abscess opening under general anesthesia
  • Benign skin neoplasms removal under local anesthesia
  • Benign skin neoplasms removal under general anesthesia
  • Postoperative wound dressing
  • Stitches removal of under local anesthesia
  • Stitches removal of under general anesthesia
  • Suturing under local anesthesia
  • Suturing under general anesthesia
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