Prostate gland biopsy

Biopsy of prostate gland (prostate) makes it possible to detect malignant tumors in organ tissue at an early stage, conduct a pathohistological examination, verify an accurate diagnosis and plan the most effective treatment regimen for each patient.

More than 80% of men diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early stage successfully recover, and much of reward for this process goes to the early and reliable diagnostics made possible by biopsy. During this procedure, doctor takes tissue samples of gland for further pathohistological examination. This is a low-traumatic manipulation that is quite quick and painless for patient, has good accuracy and high informativeness.

An important point in any neoplasms diagnostics is histological examination. Only morphological verification of diagnosis makes it possible to plan a radical surgical intervention effectively, prescribe radiation therapy or provide antitumor drug treatment. The purpose of prostate biopsy is not only to ascertain the fact of a malignant disease, but also to identify the stage of process and choose the most optimal treatment tactics.

Types of prostate biopsy

A variety of techniques are used to conduct a prostate biopsy, the difference between which is in the method of obtaining tissue samples and the tools and equipment used. The most common are the following procedures:

  • Multifocal transrectal biopsy. Manipulation is performed through the rectum, and visual control is provided using an ultrasound machine. Up to ten tissue samples are taken from different places, which significantly increases the informativeness of the research.
  • Transurethral biopsy. The study is provided through urethra. To perform such a biopsy, a cystoscope and a special tool – a cutting loop are used. Having penetrated through urethra to prostate degree, the specialist collects tissue samples with a loop.
  • Transperineal biopsy. Biopsy is performed through access through a perineal incision. This method is rarely used due to a rather high level of pain for patient.

FUSION prostate biopsy is a modern technique for obtaining histological samples of prostate tissue. The technology combines two examination methods at once – transrectal ultrasound and MRI. It allows to take more samples of biological material from hard-to-reach areas of prostate gland, which improves chances of detecting a malignant neoplasm.

At Maimonides Center, patient can receive all necessary services on request "prostate biopsy". Our urologists use only the latest expert-class equipment, which allows obtaining tissue samples for histological examination almost painlessly and with maximum accuracy.

Indications for prostate biopsy

Indications for primary prostate biopsy are:

  • the presence of nodular malformations in gland, which are determined during a digital rectal examination;
  • increased level of prostatitis-specific antigen (PSA) in blood;
  • the presence of zones with low echogenicity according to ultrasound results;
  • disease control in patients after prostate resection or removal.

Sometimes biopsy is repeated:

  • when maintaining or increasing the level of PSA in blood after treatment;
  • violation of normal ratio between the content of free and total PSA;
  • obtaining an insufficient amount of biological material during the primary procedure for histological examination.

Biopsy belongs to category of invasive research methods, but its value in prostate lesions diagnostics is difficult to overestimate – modern medical science has no alternative to this manipulation today.

Maimonides Medical Center offers comfortable conditions for conducting a biopsy, proper medical control and full compliance with protocol of procedure, which ensures high accuracy and good results of study.

Performing this manipulation specialists of Maimonides Center adhere to all world standards. Biopsy is performed by an experienced urologist, using a modern expert-class ultrasound machine, which allows the most accurate detection of suspicious tissue areas and targeted biopsy. Our medical center offers its patients:

  • Only the latest equipment to control biopsy.
  • Urologists of high level of qualification.
  • Safe and effective anesthesia for pain relief of the procedure.
  • Comfortable conditions of a hospital or polyclinic for conducting a biopsy.

Call or email us if you need prostate biopsy service or have any questions about this procedure.

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